
Projection generation and optimization

2D matrix example

This example shows how to use the CAL-software Toolbox to generate projections for directly specified 3D matrix. The function createTarget() will create an example 2D matrix to optimize.

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% set projection parameters
proj_params.angles = linspace(0,179,180);

% set optimization parameters
opt_params.max_iter = 50;
opt_params.threshold = 0.85;

verbose = 1;

% create an example 2D target
target_2D = createTarget(201,'L',2);

% prepare the target
target_obj = CALPrepTarget([],[],verbose,target_2D);

% instantiate the optimization class
Opt = CALOptimize(target_obj,opt_params,proj_params,verbose);

% run the optimization
[proj_obj,recon_obj,Opt] = Opt.run();

3D matrix example

This example shows how to use the CAL-software Toolbox to generate projections for directly specified 3D matrix. The function createTarget() will create an example 3D matrix to optimize.

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% set projection parameters
proj_params.angles = linspace(0,179,180);

% set optimization parameters
opt_params.max_iter = 40;
opt_params.threshold = 0.85;

verbose = 1;

% create an example 3D target
target_3D = createTarget(201,'L',3);

% prepare the target
target_obj = CALPrepTarget([],[],verbose,target_3D);

% instantiate the optimization class
Opt = CALOptimize(target_obj,opt_params,proj_params,verbose);

% run the optimization
[proj_obj,recon_obj,Opt] = Opt.run();

STL example

This example shows how to use the CAL-software Toolbox to generate projections for a .stl file. NOTE: stl_filename should be replaced with the filepath to the .stl file you would like to use. This example loads the filepath to a .stl file that is included in the toolbox for convenience of testing the installation.

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% set projection parameters
proj_params.angles = linspace(0,179,180);
proj_params.bit8 = 1;

% set optimization parameters
opt_params.max_iter = 50;
opt_params.threshold = 0.8;
opt_params.learning_rate = 0.005;

verbose = 1;

% prepare the target
resolution = 140;
stl_filename = loadExStlFilename('bear'); % acceptable inputs 'bear', 'thinker', 'octet', 'octahedron'
target_obj = CALPrepTarget(stl_filename,resolution,verbose);

% instantiate the optimization class
Opt = CALOptimize(target_obj,opt_params,proj_params,verbose);

% run the optimization
[proj_obj,recon_obj,Opt] = Opt.run();

Image set creation

Typical example

This example shows how to set the image parameters and create an image set from a projection object. If the STL example above is run before this example the image set should appear as in the image below.

image_params.size_scale_factor = 2;
image_params.invert_vert = 1;
image_params.z_offset = 100;
image_params.array_num = 2;
image_params.array_offset = 350;
image_params.image_width = 1920; % this parameter MUST be changed to match your projector image width for proper scaling
image_params.image_height = 1080; % this parameter MUST be changed to match your projector image height for proper scaling

C = CALCreateImageSet(proj_obj,image_params);

image_set_obj = C.run();


% Images may be saved also
% C.saveImages(image_set_obj,pwd,'.png');

Backward compatibility example

This example shows how to set the image parameters and create an image set from a projection matrix (for backward compatibility).

image_params.size_scale_factor = 2;
image_params.invert_vert = 1;
image_params.image_width = 1920; % this parameter MUST be changed to match your projector image width for proper scaling
image_params.image_height = 1080; % this parameter MUST be changed to match your projector image height for proper scaling
image_params.angles = linspace(0,179,180); % this parameter must be added

C = CALCreateImageSet(optimized_projections,image_params); % Note: now a 3D matrix is in the place of the typical projection object

image_set_obj = C.run();


% Images may be saved also
% C.saveImages(image_set_obj,pwd,'.png');

Image sequence projection

Default settings example

This example shows how to set up image sequence projection with an ImageSetObj and a specified rotation velocity.

% set the rotation velocity in deg/s
rot_vel = 24;

% initialize the CALProjectImageSet class, this basic example assumes the projector is connected
% to the highest monitor number (e.g. if there are 2 monitors, it assumes projector is connected to
% monitor #2)
DLP = CALProjectImageSet(image_set_obj,rot_vel);

% begin projecting images

Custom settings example

This example shows how to set up image sequence projection with an ImageSetObj, a specified rotation velocity, custom monitor ID, no blank image when paused, and duration of projection.

% set the rotation velocity in deg/s
rot_vel = 24;

% set the monitor ID
monitor_id = 3;

% set whether the screen projects a black screen when projection is paused
blank_when_paused = 1;

% set whether to wait for user to press space bar before beginning projection
wait_to_start =  0;

% set the duration of projection
Proj_Duration = 120;

% initialize the CALProjectImageSet class
DLP = CALProjectImageSet(image_set_obj,rot_vel,monitor_id,blank_when_paused);

% begin projecting images
DLP.startProjecting(wait_to_start, Proj_Duration);

Rotation stage example

This example shows how to set up image sequence projection that is in sync with rotation stage with an ImageSetObj, a specified rotation velocity, custom rotation stage serial number and custom starting position of the stage.

% set the rotation velocity in deg/s
rot_vel = 24;

% set the rotation stage serial number
MotorSerialNum = 12345678;

% set the position of the rotation stage to start projection
Start_Pos = 90;

% initialize the CALProjectImageSet class
DLP = CALProjectImageSet(image_set_obj,rot_vel);

% initialize the rotation stage
DLP = DLP.motorInit(MotorSerialNum,Start_Pos);

% begin projecting images

All together

This example shows how the above examples could be used all together to complete a print from start of projection optimization to image set projection.

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%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Projection generation and optimization  %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% set projection parameters
proj_params.angles = linspace(0,179,180);
proj_params.bit8 = 1;

% set optimization parameters
opt_params.max_iter = 50;
opt_params.threshold = 0.8;
opt_params.learning_rate = 0.005;

verbose = 1;

% prepare the target
resolution = 140;
stl_filename = loadExStlFilename('bear'); % acceptable inputs 'bear', 'thinker', 'octet', 'octahedron'
target_obj = CALPrepTarget(stl_filename,resolution,verbose);

% instantiate the optimization class
Opt = CALOptimize(target_obj,opt_params,proj_params,verbose);

% run the optimization
[proj_obj,recon_obj,Opt] = Opt.run();

%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Image set creation  %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% set the desired image modifiers
image_params.size_scale_factor = 2;
image_params.invert_vert = 1;
image_params.image_width = 1920; % this parameter MUST be changed to match your projector image width for proper scaling
image_params.image_height = 1080; % this parameter MUST be changed to match your projector image height for proper scaling

C = CALCreateImageSet(proj_obj,image_params);

% create the image set
image_set_obj = C.run();

%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Image sequence projection  %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% set the rotation velocity in deg/s
rot_vel = 24;

% set the monitor ID
monitor_id = 2;

% set whether the screen projects a black screen when projection is paused
blank_when_paused = 1;

% initialize the CALProjectImageSet class
DLP = CALProjectImageSet(image_set_obj,rot_vel,monitor_id,blank_when_paused);

% begin projecting images